通识课:《大学英语(A层次)—Belt and Road Initiative》课程思政课堂教学设计

false课程名称 |
大学英语 |
授课对象 |
大学英语A层次班级 |
授课内容 | Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路倡议 |
课时 |
2.00 |
课程类型 | A.思想政治理论课;√B.通识课;C.专业课;D.实践课; | ||||
教学目标 | Knowledge objectives: 知识目标: 1.know the importance of Belt and Road Initiative. 1.了解一带一路倡议的重要性。 2. know the similar and difference between Silk Road and Belt and RoadInitiative. 2.了解丝一带一路与RoadInitiative的相似之处。 3.master how to search the information.ability 3.掌握如何搜索信息。 objectives: 能力目标: 1.develope the skills of reading scientific and technical articles;2. develop critical thinking and ability to work together. 1.提高阅读科技文章的能力;2.培养批判性思维和合作能力。 moral objectives: 道德目标: be more considerate ;be more understanding 更体贴;更理解 |
课程思政 | 融入知识点 | 【教学重点和难点】 Glossary of technical terms 技术术语汇编 |
融入方式 | 授课方式(方法、手段) 1、brainstorming、Task-based teaching method、Group cooperativelearning. 1、头脑风暴式、任务教学法、小组合作学习。 Blended teaching (混合式教学法) lt is a combination of online teachingwith classroom teaching. Use online teaching platform to offerlearningmaterials,assig pre-class learning tasks and organize onlinediscussion for related moral education; in the classoom, the focusismainly put on checking students'master of skills. 混合式教学(混合式教学法)是网络教学与课堂教学的结合。利用网上教学平台提供学习资料,辅助课前学习任务,组织网上讨论相关的德育工作;在课堂上,重点是检查学生的技能掌握情况。 Flipped-classroom teaching method(翻转课堂教学法): 翻转式课堂教学方法(翻转课堂教学法): Before the class,avideo clip is offered on the online platform to guide students so as tohelp them understand what to learn; in the class,students'understanding of the skills to be learned will be checked and they willeamn the skills in detail and do further discussion and otheractivities 上课前,在网上平台上提供视频短片,引导学生了解所学内容;在课堂上,将检查学生对要学习的技能的理解,并详细讲解技能,并进行进一步的讨论和其他活动。 |
思政元素 | 批判性思维 专业知识 合作能力 阅读资料能力 理解宽容 | ||||
思政资源 | 微课:通识课《大学英语—丝绸之路与一带一路》 课件:通识课《大学英语(A层次)—一带一路》 | ||||
思政案例 | 通识课:《大学英语—一带一路与丝绸之路》课程思政案例 | ||||
教学实施 | |||||
教学引入 | |||||
教学展开 | |||||
教学总结 | |||||
目标达成检测 | |||||
教学反思 |